ACE Honor Awards
Opens January 20, 2025
All entries must be entered online by 11:59pm, ET, EXTENDED - Monday, March 10, 2025
ACE Professional Development Grants
- Mid-August 2025 - Application opens
- September 29, 2025 – Application due
- November 1, 2025 – Applicants notified
- May 31, 2026 – Projects end
- June 2026 – Annual conference presentations
ACE Conference Session Proposal
Now Closed
All submissions must be received online by 11:59, ET, Monday, December 9, 2024
ACE Critique & Awards Program (Opens December 2024)
Now Closed
All entries must be entered online by 11:59pm, ET, Saturday, February 15, 2025
Other key dates:
- Feb. 26- Mar 8 : Judging
- Mar. 15-28: ACE review
- Apr. Entrants begin to receive results and critiques
Select your submission category below.
Please contact ACE
The ACE Rising Star Award honors communicators, instructors and researchers who demonstrate exceptional leadership and technical skills in their communication field, to their institution, and service to ACE. Award winners are early in their career and/or ACE membership. The award was created in honor of Frank Jeter, an early ACE member from North Carolina, who made significant contributions to the communication field and to ACE.
Past recipients have revitalized communications at their institution, led innovative communication projects, served as learning community leaders for ACE, initiated and carried out new projects for ACE, and inspired communication excellence in their peers.
Guidelines for Nomination
- Award nominees must be in their first 10 years of ACE membership, and an ACE member for at least two years.
- Recipients should be nominated by any ACE member who has direct knowledge of their skills and contributions.
- At least two specific examples of the recipients’ contributions to the communication field and ACE should be documented in the nomination.
- Impact of the nominee’s work should extend beyond their department or unit to the university, state, region, and the ACE membership.
- Current ACE board members and directors-elect are not eligible to receive this award.
- No more than five awards will be given in any one year.
- The award does not have to be granted each year if, in the opinion of the ACE board, none of the candidates meet the standards required.
- Nominees who are not selected as a recipient can be re-nominated the following year.
Any ACE members may submit one or more Rising Star Award nominations via an electronic submission form. The ACE management office will forward nominations to the president for a vote by the board of directors. The president notifies the award recipient (s), the nominator(s), and the recipient’s administrator. The president also notifies those not selected for this award usually through their nominators.
The ACE Fellow is the highest recognition given by the Association for Communication Excellence to one of its members. The award recognizes sustained excellence and professionalism in a communicator. Recipients are role models in ACE who have had an enduring impact on the organization, their institution, the national land-grant system, and/or the profession or discipline of agricultural communications. The ACE Fellow is recognized during the ACE annual conference.
Guidelines for Nomination
1. This award is based on a member’s achievements over an extended period of time (at least 10 years) and on participation in and support of ACE.
2. Members must be nominated by a fellow member to be considered for the award. Current board members and directors-elect are not eligible.
3. A nomination for the award should include the following:
a. A general description of the member's job.
b. Specific accomplishments in carrying out job assignments.
c. Indications of impact of the member's communication efforts.
d. Participation in and service to ACE.
e. Any other achievements that document the excellence of professional competence.
4. Nominations should be accompanied by letters of recommendation.
5. Nominees who are not selected as a recipient can be re-nominated the following year.
ACE members submit ACE Fellow Award nominations via an electronic submission form. The ACE management office will forward nominations to the president for a vote by the board of directors. The president notifies the award recipient, the nominator, and the recipient’s administrator. The president also notifies those not selected for this award usually through their nominators.
The Award of Excellence recognizes individuals who have demonstrated excellence in the discipline or area of communications represented by a Learning Community as well as leadership and involvement in ACE. A recipient may be a current or a past member of the Learning Community.
Guidelines for Nomination
- A nominee must have their membership dues paid for the current year.
- A nominee must have at least five years of membership in ACE (not necessarily consecutive).
- Any ACE member – active or retired – may be nominated by any ACE member.
- A nominee must not be currently serving in a leadership role for the Learning Community for which they are nominated.
- A nominee must be a current or past member of the Learning Community for which the award is given.
- Learning Communities do not have to have a nominee every year.
- Current ACE board members and directors-elect are not eligible to receive an Award of Excellence.
- No person should be named an award recipient for more than one Learning Community in the same year.
- The Learning Community chairs and the Learning Community director serve as the Award of Excellence Committee. They are responsible for promoting the awards, soliciting and screening nominations, selecting recipients, and presenting the awards at the ACE annual meeting. The name of the finalist must be sent to the Learning Community director for presentation to and approval by the board.
- The Learning Community director and the ACE board, with the concurrence of the Learning Community chair, may reject any nomination, if a candidate does not meet expected standards of documented performance.
- Runner-up nominees are not considered automatic candidates in subsequent years. New nominations need to be made each year.
- Selection, acquisition, and engraving of appropriate plaques or certificates is a function of the ACE management office. No cash or sponsored award is allowed.
The Retiree Award of Excellence recognizes an individual who has demonstrated excellence in leadership, service, and involvement with ACE retirees and life members or within the larger organization.
Nominations for this award may be made by any ACE member.
- A nominee must be a retiree member who has paid retiree membership dues for the current year or be a paid-in-full life member.
- A nominee may not be the current Retiree Director or Director-Elect.
- It is not necessary that the Retiree Award of Excellence be given each year. The award should be reserved for those who have made truly significant contributions to ACE and to ACE's retiree and life members. Only one award may be presented each year.
- The current ACE Retiree Director, the immediate past Retiree Director, and (in the years when a Director-Elect has been selected) the Retiree Director-Elect serve as the Retiree Award of Excellence Committee. They are responsible for promoting the award, soliciting and screening nominations, selecting a recipient, and presenting the award at the ACE annual meeting. It is their responsibility to determine the criteria used for selecting recipients.
- The name of the finalist must be presented to the ACE Board of Directors for approval before the award is announced or presented.
- The Retiree Director and the ACE Board of Directors may reject any nomination if the candidate does not meet acceptable standards of documented performance.
- Runner-up nominees are not considered automatic candidates in subsequent years. New nominations are to be made each year.
- Selection, acquisition, and engraving of appropriate plaques or certificates is a function of the ACE management office. No cash or sponsored award is allowed.
- The award recipient is encouraged to attend the ACE annual meeting to receive the award, although attendance is not required.
The ACE Service Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service to ACE.
Nominations for this award may be made by any ACE member.
- A nominee must be a current or retiree member of ACE.
- Current ACE board members and directors-elect are not eligible for this award.
- It is not necessary that the Service Award be given each year. The award should be reserved for those who have made truly significant contributions to ACE. Only one award may be presented each year.
- The ACE Board of Directors is responsible for selecting the awardee.
- The ACE Board of Directors may reject any nomination if the candidate does not meet acceptable standards of documented performance.
- Runner-up nominees are not considered automatic candidates in subsequent years. New nominations are to be made each year.
- Selection, acquisition, and engraving of appropriate plaques or certificates is a function of the ACE management office. No cash or sponsored award is allowed.
- The award recipient is encouraged to attend the ACE annual meeting to receive the award, although attendance is not required.
- The identity of the honoree will not be revealed to the membership at large until presentation time at the annual meeting.
The award is reserved for a communicator, including a public relations or advertising person, who has made a major contribution in the field of agriculture, natural resources, or life and human sciences at the regional, national, or international level. The award can go to someone who is not a citizen of the United States.
The Reuben Brigham Award is offered in memory of Reuben Brigham (1887-1946), a native of Marlboro, Mass., and graduate of the University of Maryland. He served as an Extension editor and 4-H club agent in Maryland and was called to the Federal Extension Service office in 1917 to develop an editorial and visual aids service for Extension editors. Brigham traveled the nation, conferring with editors and directors, and helped states develop their own editorial offices as separate units.
Brigham organized the American Association of Agricultural College Editors and served as its president, secretary, and treasurer. He established the Extension Service Review in 1939 and participated in the Farm and Home Hour of the National Broadcasting Company. During the Depression, he helped develop action agencies of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. As head of a regional section of the AAA information office, he ensured that Extension staff were involved in that organization's information plans. He later was appointed assistant director of the Federal Extension Service and was associated with Extension directors, the land-grant college association, and policy-making committees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Brigham died in Chicago while attending a meeting at the National 4-H Club Congress.
The Reuben Brigham Award was established by ACE in 1947.
Guidelines for Nomination
- Active and retired members of ACE, of a land-grant college or university staff, or of USDA staffs; are not eligible for the award.
- The award does not have to be granted each year if, in the opinion of the ACE board, none of the candidates meets the standards required.
- Nominations of persons not receiving the award may be considered the following year. Persons making nominations are to be notified that their nominee was not selected but will be considered next year, if desired, and if an updated nomination is submitted next year.
- The Reuben Brigham Award winner must agree to attend the annual ACE conference to receive the award. The recipient usually gives a 15-minute speech at the annual meeting.
- After the board makes a selection, the ACE management office will arrange for a suitable plaque for the presentation at the annual meeting.
- The identity of the honoree will not be revealed to the membership at large until presentation time at the annual meeting.
- The ACE president will introduce the winner and present the award.